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PJL Rotating Screen RS04 Series



What does the Horizon Wave Screen bring to the advertising industry?

It can be used as a whole big screen


Full screen ad

Full-screen ads are switched through different wave forms and have great visual effects.

Think of waves as bulges


Water curtain effect

Slowly raised text affects the flow of water in the background, providing a barrier effect.

Focus people’s sight through waves


Commercial advertising and posters

Use the wave bulging effect of the screen to focus people’s attention and point to the core content of the screen.

Rich and interesting creative display


Mario game

Let the convexity of the square match the picture to produce a three-dimensional effect, that is, interesting and eye-catching.

Subversive high-end outdoor LED large screen

The undulating wave screen flows like a wave, quickly catching the attention of the masses through creativity, media innovation, and maximizing the value of positional advertising.


Central City Commercial Street, Shopping Center Plaza, Transportation Hub Center

The traditional large-scale LED advertising screen billboards are not attractive, and the single urban lighting project can’t stand out from the environment. You Jingzhi can customize large-scale wave screens, which can transform the original advertising space according to the actual situation, so that the advertising value is greatly increased. Upgrade.




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